About Us
Eynsham Medical Group (EMG) is an established, thriving family practice with a growing patient list. We provide care at two sites in the villages of Eynsham and Long Hanborough, offering primary care to people living in these areas and the surrounding villages, including five local care homes. We work in collaboration with the three Witney practices in the Eynsham & Witney Primary Care Network (E&WPCN).
Our vision is to provide outstanding care at the heart of our community. We strive to continuously improve and collaborate with our Patient Participation Group and patient population to do so. We are lucky to have an enthusiastic volunteer group, enormously helpful and supportive during the COVID-19 pandemic, and a patient charity which enables us to provide care beyond the usual services available with the NHS, for example the delivery of medication to the housebound from our dispensaries.
Our team includes GPs, practice nurses, allied health professionals, a paramedic, healthcare assistants, clinical pharmacists, dispensers, and a sizeable administrative team. We ensure that every patient has a named GP to provide continuity of care. We work closely with our community team, including community nurses and health visitors. We are a well-established teaching and training practice offering teaching to doctors, medical students, nurses, and other health professionals.
Eynsham Medical Centre is a purpose-built surgery located a short walk from the centre of the village, and benefits from an adjacent public car park with disabled parking. The surgery is wheelchair accessible; the parking area and entrance are on level ground and the surgery has automatic doors. The public areas of the surgery are on the ground floor. Facilities include an accessible toilet and a baby changing table. Nursing mothers can request a separate room to breast feed if required.
Long Hanborough Surgery is new purpose-built surgery, opened during the COVID-19 pandemic in 2021. It is located on the western aspect of the village, a short walk from the village centre. It has its own car park with designated disabled parking spaces. The surgery is wheelchair accessible; the parking area and entrance are on level ground and the surgery has automatic doors. The public areas of the surgery are on the ground floor. Facilities include an accessible toilet and a baby changing table. Nursing mothers can request a separate room to breast feed if required.
Our patient care advisor training includes chaperoning and learning disability awareness. Interpreting and translation services are available, including for those who are deaf, either in person or by video. Both surgeries have hearing loops, and our website enables translation into many languages and has an accessibility menu.